Rising Phoenix Tang Soo Do - Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rising Phoenix Tang Soo Do (Bong Hwang Sang Sung Tang Soo Do - 봉황상승당수도) is an Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Federation certified studio based in Albuquerque, New Mexico teaching the traditional Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do - 당수도. We are a family oriented martial arts studio that serves the needs of families and individuals alike, focused on developing the whole person - mind (neh gong), body (weh gong) and spirit (shim gong).

Our Certified Instructors & CIT

With a combined 55+ years of martial arts experience, our diverse group of certified instructors are dedicated to helping you succeed.

Our instructors have a passion for teaching and working with students to identify their goals, overcome obstacles, grow, and achieve those goals. Whether that be in gaining physical confidence and greater peace of mind through learning self-defense; personal confidence and growth through the adaptation of principles such as leadership, dedication, perseverance and focus; or simply living better through living healthier both mentally and physically, our instructors are dedicated to your success.

What does it mean to be a "Certified Instructor"?

As a member studio of the Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Federation, Rising Phoenix Tang Soo Do instructors enroll, train, graduate and are certified through the APTSDF's Certified Instructor Training (CIT) program. "Instructor" being the title of the most distinguished position held in all martial arts, we take seriously the role of instructor and more importantly the training and certification of our instructors in order to best serve our students, our school and our Federation with a level of professionalism that is second to none.

Rising Phoenix TSD Instructors

Our Master Instructor

Kuktche Sabom Nim Peter Estrada is a sixth degree black belt International Master Instructor with over 29 years of experience in the Martial Arts.

Recognized as an expert martial artist, Dr. Estrada has provided Military and Tactical Combative Instruction to the U.S. Special Warfare Candidacy Trainees at Lackland AFB, Active-Duty Airforce Personnel at Dyess AFB, Contract Security at Military Compounds, and Police Cadets in Dunn, NC.

Dr. Estrada holds a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine from Campbell University, a Master of Education in Kinesiology, and a Doctorate of Athletic Training – Sports Medicine from Andrew Taylor Still University. He is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Physician Extender, Athletic Trainer, and Exercise Physiologist.

Dr. Estrada truly finds joy seeing students learn, share, and grow within the martial arts and along their personal journey through life. He believes that the practice of martial arts is more than just physical training, but to develop leaders for life!

International Master Peter Estrada

What our students are saying...

Overall, Tang Soo Do has taught me a great deal of discipline, humility, honor and respect. Its practical applications can be seen through increased perception, faster reflexes, and a greater overall sense of awareness. It’s safe to say this art has changed my life for the better, and I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon! Tang Soo!

Garrett O'Donnell Instructor Trainee - CIT

Our oldest son struggles with not speaking up for himself and not wanting to be the center of attention. Through Rising Phoenix Tang Soo Do he has learned to speak up when he has a struggle and is gaining confidence when attention is on him.

Becky & Andrew Leenheer Parents

We have seen our daughter (now 15) benefit greatly from the lessons she has learned in the martial arts. She has applied those lessons, focus, self-determination, commitment and drive, not just to her school work and grades, but anything she takes on in life with incredible results. She has learned, if you put in the work and commit to it, you will see results.

Paul & Michele Lopez Parents

I thought martial arts was just for kids; however, this studio caters to all ages and stages. Tang Soo Do has helped me gain strength and more agility than I had in my life. Anyone can do it! Love the instructors!

Becky Leenheer Student

My family is very active in different activities, but martial arts has become our passion both individually and as a family.

Desirae Cuevas Instructor

I began martial arts almost 10 years ago. Now with my 50's being right around the corner, I am so glad I did. Aside from all of the benefits and peace of mind that come with knowing and understanding self-defense, I also feel great! Both mentally and physically.

Paul Lopez Instructor

Rising Phoenix TSD Students
What is Tang Soo Do?
We study and train in the traditional Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do with a focus on developing one's mind, body and spirit in order to improve the whole person or practitioner.

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Our History
"Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is enlightenment." - Lao Tzu

Our history informs who we are and we have a rich history.

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Our Federation
Rising Phoenix Tang Soo Do is a proud member of the Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Federation, a globally recognized organization whose mission it is to promote traditional martial arts for the 21st century.

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Giving Back
Rising Phoenix is a proud supporter of the Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity providing martial arts scholarships to at-risk youth, providing them with all of the positive benefits learning the martial arts has to offer.

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